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The Guide to Mastering Delegation

Season #1 Episode #35

Do you find delegating tasks terrifying? Or do you keep overworking and overcompensating because you don't trust others enough with the job? 

If so, tune in as I demystify the art of delegation in this episode of the Web 3 and Thrive podcast. 

We'll explore why delegation is a critical skill for leaders in the rapidly evolving emerging tech and web 3 space.

In this episode, get ready to burst through those misconceptions and fears associated with giving away control and learn how effective delegation can positively influence your team dynamics and personal work-life balance. 

I share real-life examples and practical advice to help you navigate the delicate process of delegation. 

Learn how to identify tasks for delegation, choose the right person for the job, and overcome the hurdles of overworking and burnout. 

So plug in and take some work off your plate.


  • 00:00 - Introduction to delegation and its importance
  • 01:15 - Definition and differentiation between delegation and task allocation
  • 03:00 - The power of true delegation and the importance of trust
  • 04:45 - The practical side of delegation: real-life examples
  • 06:30 - Understanding your hesitations and fears around delegation
  • 08:15 - Strategies to implement delegation effectively
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